Prairie Ridge Addiction Treatment Services
Provider at a Glance
Available programs:
- 1st Offense Jail Diversion Program
Program languages include:
- English
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Prairie Ridge offers two OWI programs through its Prairie Ridge Intoxicated Driver Education (PRIDE) initiative: the 12-Hour Prime for Life OWI Program and the PRIDE Weekend Jail/OWI Program. The 12-hour class is for individuals who have had one or more OWI offenses and have already served their court-ordered jail time. Registration for this program must be completed by noon on the day of the scheduled class. The PRIDE Weekend Jail/OWI Program is designed for first-time offenders who have not completed their required 48-hour jail sentence. This program, which includes 20 hours of education and 48 hours of lockdown, is approved by a court order and requires registration by noon the previous Friday. The programs have specific payment requirements and costs, with the 12-hour class priced at $180, and the weekend jail program costing $535, including lodging and meals.
Additionally, Prairie Ridge offers outpatient counseling and therapy services. After completing a substance use disorder assessment, patients are assigned an individual clinician who coordinates care over time. These services are designed based on the latest research on effective treatment for substance use disorders, utilizing a mix of individual and group therapy. Outpatient treatment programs are available during both daytime and evening hours, ensuring flexible options for clients. All services emphasize evidence-based practices to provide comprehensive, client-centered care tailored to each individual's needs.