Find Missouri SATOP DUI & DWI Programs near you

Find certified Missouri SATOP (Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program) courses, including assessments, education, and treatment for DUI/DWI offenders.

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Missouri requires individuals convicted of DUI/DWI offenses to complete the Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP) before reinstating their driver’s license. The Missouri Department of Mental Health’s Division of Behavioral Health oversees SATOP, ensuring programs meet state requirements.

Available SATOP services include:

  • Screening & Assessment – Required for all offenders to determine the appropriate level of education or treatment.
  • Offender Education Program (OEP) – A 10-hour education course for first-time, low-risk offenders.
  • Weekend Intervention Program (WIP) – A 48-hour intensive education and intervention course for moderate-risk offenders.
  • Clinical Intervention Program (CIP) – A 50-hour outpatient treatment program for high-risk offenders.
  • Serious & Repeat Offender Program (SROP) – A 75-hour inpatient treatment program for severe substance use issues.

SATOP programs help participants meet court and Missouri Department of Revenue requirements while providing valuable education and intervention. Enroll in a state-certified program today to take the next step in fulfilling your legal obligations and regaining your driving privileges.

See Missouri SATOP Resources to learn more about satisfying your Missouri SATOP requirement.


Online Class Advisor makes the best effort to provide the most up-to-date listing of licensed Missouri SATOP programs. We cannot guarantee the quality or license status of any of the schools listed. Please contact the provider and / or the state of Missouri to verify their status.