New Jersey 12 Hour Intoxicated Driver Program

New Jersey's Intoxicated Driving Program (IDP), in partnership with the DHS, AOC, and NJMVC, manages interventions for those convicted of alcohol or drug-related driving/boating offenses. The IDP oversees county and regional Intoxicated Driver Resource Centers (IDRCs), coordinating client participation in education, screening, and referrals. Financial assistance is available through the DUII fund. Anyone convicted of such offenses in NJ, or elsewhere with a NJ license, must meet IDP and IDRC requirements. These programs aim to provide treatment referral and monitoring while educating about substance use and safety.

First/second offenses typically involve a 12-hour IDRC program (two days at the county IDRC). A 48-hour program at a regional facility is also possible. Third/subsequent offenses may involve jail and/or inpatient treatment, followed by a 12-hour IDRC program. Non-compliance jeopardizes license reinstatement. Out-of-state offenders may complete programs in their home state (with NJMVC fees still due). Those near a NJ IDRC will be scheduled there; those further away may complete programs in their home state.

At the IDRC, individuals pay fees, complete questionnaires, attend educational sessions, and have a screening interview. Education covers drinking, alcoholism, relationships, substance effects on driving, and NJ law. Referrals for further assessment and treatment are possible, with IDRC monitoring. The IDP monitors compliance; the NJMVC restores driving privileges after all suspensions and IDRC requirements are met. Failure to participate results in license suspension and potential jail time.

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